3 Feb

Further to my recent posts about equality and the role of women in Italian media, I believe it’s time to discuss briefly gay rights. This evening conservative MPs in the Tory government were under pressure to grant a Government bill in support of Gay Marriage (Ref). In fact, I’m quite surprised that this is still an issue since Marriage, in civil law  (in my opinion) should have no religious influence. Perhaps these discussions were necessary in government to straighten out the current laws (no pun intended) but these discussions and arguments are still no stranger to current British and Irish societies. Why do people still get passionate about the subject and is there still a need for Gay Pride celebrations? I suppose it depends where you live, as where I’m from, it is accepted and people make no differentiation or deal out of it!



2 Responses to “Gay Marriage – WHY IS THIS STILL AN ISSUE?”

  1. Clare Flourish February 4, 2013 at 10:47 am #

    And in the US, there are state constitution amendments defining marriage as one man one woman to “protect” it. We are half way between, with neanderthal Tories opposing- some, according to Iain Dale, secretly gay- but it comes soon. Spanish equal marriage was held up in the courts for years.

  2. florentineshamrock February 5, 2013 at 10:13 am #

    That’s interesting Clare! ‘To protect it’? what a strange reason and as you said, in contrast to that it was upheld in Spain for years and it’s a country with deep religious roots! It’s great to see they separated clearly religious law from civil!

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